Building a network for private land conservation in Europe

The project has members of the conservationists and landowners’ community work together on for private land conservation relevant topics. Despite a shared concern for nature, these two groups have previously been working on the topic of private land conservation separately. With this project we are working together to protect and restore private land for nature and the climate in Europe.

Project partners are networking with Eurosite members at the annual meeting in Cyprus 

As a preparatory LIFE project, project activities lay the foundation for further cooperation. We set out to build a long-lasting co-operation aiming at improving nature conservation goals set by the European Commission. We do so at the local level by supporting regional networks and at the EU level through the conservation landowner’s coalition (CLC). This project is about connecting people that are working on private land conservation and giving them a home. We continue the existing networking among organisations and individuals engaged in PLC with the aim to establish durable governance structures for PLC in Europe (i.e. building networks).
1. Continue the existing networking among organisations and individuals engaged in private land conservation with the aim to establish durable governance structures for PLC in Europe

Conservation Landowners Coalition

Governance framework for private land conservation at EU level between landowners and conservation NGOs.


Networking activities to strengthen partnerships, increase and share knowledge on private land conservation

Outreach to other networks and private land conservation

Maximum synergies with other EU and international networks and initiatives dealing with private land conservation

After-LIFE plan

Evaluate and plan the sustainability of the results after the lifetime of the project and to define the governance and operational structures of the CLC after the end of the project.

2. Help with development of organisations and their networks dealing with PLC

Development of privately conserved land manager networks in Portugal

Supporting the development of national/ regional PLC networks

Development of privately conserved land manager networks in Italy

Supporting the development of national/ regional PLC networks

Advancing key topic areas of private land conservation in Europe

The project includes actions on key areas that have been identified as relevant to advance private land conservation in Europe. As described in the grant agreement, these are to expand the use of private land conservation tools in the European Union, to improve the financial incentives and funding, engage in the reform of supportive fiscal and other systems 7 incentivising PLC, continue the development of PLC standards and practices and to foster citizen science engagement in PLC.

Project partners are working on a design challenge 

We have identified five key building blocks that encompass these topic areas:


We advocate for better financial incentives for landowners and conservationists to apply private land conservation tools.


We provide access to state-of-the-art resources, ensuring high ambition standards for nature conservation on private land.


We raise awareness of private land conservation and help landowners to receive recognition and public support for their conservation efforts.


We facilitate citizen Science and volunteering as powerful tools to educate and involve the public in the conservation on private land.


We test, improve, and harmonise private land conservation tools across various settings in Europe.


3. Improve the financial incentives and funding for private land conservation, engage in the reform of supportive fiscal and other systems incentivising PL

Exploring, assessing and reforming financial incentives for private land conservation

As a working group we are working on (1) availability of financial incentives for private landowners to engage in conservation activities on their properties, and (2) a strong and financially healthy community of conservation NGOs acting as partners for conservation minded landowners.

Exploring funding options for private land conservation

Support to the developing private land conservation community by helping our members become better at securing and expanding the financial basis for their operation and for developing new private land conservation initiatives

Conservation Finance Boot Camp

Conservation Finance training for mid-career professionals and technical support and training to network members in the fields of project development, fundraising, grant writing, donor relations, and other topics


4. Build on the two predecessor LIFE projects


Building on knowledge from LIFE ELCN, a project coordinated by landowners


Building on knowledge from LIFE ELCN, a project coordinated by nature organisations

5. Continue the development of PLC standards and practices

Standards and practices for private land conservation

Standards and practices for PLC in the European context

6. Transfer of knowledge between nature NGO and private landowners

Nature conservation for landowners manual

Practical information on private land conservation for landowners

Conservation training for landowners

Training for individual private landowners on wetlands, pollinators, fire management and economic opportunities


7. Further streamlining the efforts regarding PLC of existing networks of landowners (ELO) and conservation organisations (Eurosite)

Communication on private land conservation

Disseminating project results and sharing insight on private land conservation

Network of private land conservation ambassadors

Creating an informal network of ambassadors who are actively promoting the concept of PLC


8. Foster citizen engagement in private land conservation

Working Group on Volunteering and Citizen Science for Private Land Conservation

Exchange on volunteering and citizen science via a working group

Database on volunteering opportunities and contacts

Lasting informal exchange mechanism for volunteers among our members

Volunteering Campaign for Private Land Conservation

Promoting the concept of working with volunteers and citizen scientists on private land

Private Land Conservation BioBlitzes

Gather wildlife data and raise public awareness, reaching private landowners with Bioblitzes

Workshop on Citizen Science for Private Land Conservation

Raising awareness on potential of citizen science on private land for conservation


9. Expand the use of private land conservation tools in the European Union

Testing and advocating conservation easements

Explore the potential of conservation easements to complement existing conservation tools, in particular for the long-term preservation of natural features of conservation value on privately owned properties in Europe

Conservation agreements

Systematically structure and compare key characteristics and examples of various forms of conservation agreements for private land conservation

Privately Protected area designation and recognition

Advancing recognition for privately protected areas, reporting contributions to biodiversity targets through privately protected areas and supporting properly mapping and report privately protected areas

Voluntary labels

Exploring the use of voluntary label to promote, incentivise and advance private land conservation