The LIFE ENPLC project is hosting the workshop in Fajão, Pampilhosa da Serra, an area known for its dark skies and biodiversity, in the middle of Portugal from 28.09.2023 until 29.09.2023. The area is frequently affected by wildfires. Project partner MONTIS started working in this area in 2019 after having bought 11 ha of land through a crowdfunding initiative in the scope of LIFE ELCN.
The workshop will involve various stakeholders from the private land conservation community: NGOs, private landowners and their networks, private sector representatives, civil servants, and volunteers. It will provide a platform for representatives of conservation NGOs to tell about their experience regarding the motivation of volunteers and the legal, financial and administrative challenges to their engagement. Participants will explore opportunities for cooperation between conservation NGOs and landowner associations. We will visit one of to the properties managed by Montis and gain some hands-on experience. We have also planned some traditional and cultural immersing moments.
If you are interested to join or would like to receive more information, then please contact until 31st of August 2023.