Montis hosts national meeting on private land conservation in Portugal

In November 2022, MONTIS organized the Colloquium “Nature Conservation on Private Land”, within the scope of the LIFE ENPLC project.
With a total of 19 people, including participants and speakers, this event allowed everyone involved to get to know seven different nature conservation projects on private land.
MONTIS represented the LIFE ENPLC project, presenting the work it developed under the predecessor project LIFE ELCN in the management and acquisition of private land using crowdfunding. It was also possible to share our experience in contacting different types of owners (individuals, companies and public entities) in order to enhance the creation of a nature conservation network for private land.
We had the presentation of the LIFE Maronesa project, represented by the cattle producer Avelino Rego, who shared his experience in nature conservation using extensive grazing for landscape management.
The partner and member of the LIFE ENPLC project, Rewilding Portugal, was also present, being represented by its president, Pedro Prata, who shared the organization’s experience in the renaturalization of the different areas they manage (Vale Carapito, Ermo das Águias, Paul de Toirões and Ribeira do Mosteiro).
The president and founder of Fundação Terra Agora, Ivan Sellers, shared the Foundation’s experience in promoting long-term nature conservation involving local communities as guardians and protectors of nature
The LIFE ENPLC project ambassador, Armando Carvalho, represented the publishing company Foge Comigo and its project, “Floresta de Destinos”. This project consists of a native forest in Santa Comba Dão, managed by Armando Carvalho, in which the publisher is committed to increasing the area by 1 m2 for each book sold, demonstrating its environmental awareness.
Milvoz was represented by its technician Rui Figueiras, who explained the work carried out by this association in acquiring land for the creation of Bio-Reserves, focusing mainly on the Bio-Reserve Senhora da Alegria, in Coimbra, where they carry out ecological restoration work and biodiversity monitoring.
We ended the colloquium with the presentation of the association Verde, represented by President João Gonçalo Soutinho, who explained the “Carbono Biodiverso” project, which connects owners of “Green Giants” (large trees with high ecological value) with companies or people interested in compensating their ecological footprint.
We ended the Colloquium with a moment of networking during a lunch of regional products from Vouzela.


The news items collected on this blog have been written by project partners of the LIFE ENPLC project.