Good practices for private land conservation organisations
This guide is meant as a practical reference for private land conservationists in Europe. The purpose of this guide is to collect relevant practices and standards in private land conservation. We aimed to create a “living document” that allows for continuous updates, amendments, and additions. We hope to compile collective knowledge and expertise, to fill knowledge gaps and to propose good practice recommendations based on our and your expertise.
What is Private Land Conservation This section discusses key terminology used in private land conservation.
Land Stewardship
Conservation Agreement
Conservation Agriculture
Land Trust
Running a private land conservation organisation. Here we are discussing those elements which are relevant from an administration perspective when running a PLC organisation including topics such as communication, human resources and strategic planning.
The business model canvas is a well-known tool to visualise the building blocks of a business. This template has been updated to fit private land conservation organisations. Using this tool helps to get a basic understanding of the setup of your organisation and how you are creating value for nature AND donors. The canvas can be applied by answering the questions in each section for your organisation. As a result, your ‘business’ model is laid out in a straightforward and structured way. It will provide insights on the key elements of an organisation.
Private land conservation organisations are in essence multi-sided businesses, meaning that the users and the customers are not the same. Users are the beneficiaries of the conservation work whilst customers could be considered your donors. The main difference between a traditional business and a Private Land Conservation organisation is that instead of buying or selling a good or service you strive to provide a social good. Impact is the currency of your organisation.