Caserta from May 15th – 17th.
Biodiversity is in trouble and the time to reverse the crisis is short. As emphasised by the United Nations under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), by 2030 we must effectively conserve at least 30% of the planet, both on land and at sea, as well as restore degraded habitats and reduce human pressures on nature. But the challenge of creating new ecologically connected and effectively managed protected areas, in key areas for the world’s biodiversity, is not to be taken for granted.
In this context WWF Italy organised a National Conference ‘Protected Areas & Conservation’ from May 15th to May 17th in Caserta, Italy. The conference brought together managers and experts of public and privately protected areas, University experts, researchers and students, environmental associations and institutions. The meeting aimed to create an exchange of knowledge and best practices, particularly between managers, for protecting biodiversity both inside and outside protected areas.

The conference, which hosted the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, the Municipal Administration of Caserta, Federparchi, ISPRA, Eurosite, and the new National Biodiversity Future Centre, saw important Italian and international experts among the speakers. Contributions by experts touched the fields of biodiversity monitoring and mapping, management effectiveness monitoring and governance of protected areas, spatial planning, conservation projects, rewilding and restoration, citizen science and new technologies for wildlife management. Adaptive management projects and nature-based solutions, communication for protected areas, certification for nature conservation and private protected areas, such as many WWF Oases, were among other topics covered.
A session moderated by Francesco Marcone, WWF Italy Foundation and partner of the LIFE ENPLC – LIFE19 PRE NL003 Project (, financed by the European LIFE Programme was dedicated to privately protected areas. Among the many experts Tilmann Disselhoff and Stefano Picchi who promoted the good practices at European level and the results of the LIFE ENPLC and ELCN project to date. They emphasised how the goals of the Biodiversity Strategy can only be achieved with the support of private landowners (NGOs and individuals).

Project members Tilmann Disselhoff (left) and Stefano Picchi (right) speaking to the audience
The conference was held on the magnificent premises of the ancient Bourbon silk mill of San Leucio, a short distance from the Royal Palace of Caserta, and ended on May 17th with thematic workshops and an institutional round table, which included the participation of the MASE and the European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment, ISPRA and Federparchi, Carabinieri CITES and the port authorities