The first ENPLC year: our European policy impacts

What is ENPLC European policy impacts in 2021? Our successful cooperation on the European and policy level was demonstrated in a shared statement on OECMs to the European Commission. 
The CLC has also worked together with the European Commission in 2021 to set up a NADEG meeting on the topic of private land conservation in January 2022.  NADEG is the most important working-level platform for dialogue between the European Commission, EU member states, and interest groups on EU nature conservation issues. This high-level meeting was a great achievement and will lead to a stronger engagement of Member States in our work. 

The ENPLC team’s motivation to make a change is highly persistent. To grab the full vision, have a look at our general overview of the year


The news items collected on this blog have been written by project partners of the LIFE ENPLC project.