Training for landowners: how to attract wild pollinators

In recent years a decline in the number of wild pollinators has been observed. Measures must be taken to protect these species – and the important role they play for biodiversity. With the training and networking day – Hoe wilde bestuivers aantrekken in landbouw-, bos-, en natuurgebied? – landowners, managers and conservation experts gathered to share experience and good practices to do so. This gathering took place at the exemplary Estate ‘de Hoevens’ in Alphen, the Netherlands. Experts from the field presented the most common species to look for, potential measures, and how to implement them. After the presentations and a round table discussion the program continued with a walk in the Estate to see the impact of several different measures in the field.


The news items collected on this blog have been written by project partners of the LIFE ENPLC project.