On the 28th and 29th of September, took place the International Workshop organized by MONTIS within the scope of the LIFE ENPLC (European Networks for Private Land Conservation) project. With the title “Working on Private Land Conservation – Moving forward”, the workshop took place in Fajão, Pampilhosa da Serra and had the support of the LIFE program, the Fajão Parish Council, and the Pampilhosa da Serra Municipal Council.
The first day of the workshop began with the opening session which included, the direction of MONTIS – Associação para a Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, represented by Teresa M. Gamito and Margarida Silva, the Municipal Council of Pampilhosa da Serra, represented by councilor Rui Simão, and Eurosite / LIFE ELCN (European Land Conservation Network), represented by Carolina Halevy.

The first presentation “ENPLC Ambassadors Inspiration”, included in Panel 1, addressing the theme “Financing and challenges in Conservation”, was by Marie Orban, representing ELO (European Landowners’ Organization).

After the coffee break, Panel 2 began, with the theme “What can you achieve with volunteering?”. The first presentation, entitled “Your choice our mission”, was by Gabriel Gomes, from IPDJ (Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude), followed by Margarida Silva’s presentation “What is possible to achieve with volunteering”, representing MONTIS.
During the afternoon, Panel 3 “Motivations and challenges of rural landowners” took place, which included the presentation “The perspective of Portuguese landowners” by João Carvalho, representing ANPC (Associação Nacional de Proprietários Rurais Gestão Cinegética e Biodiversidade) and, the presentation “Landowners motivations and challenges” by Sofia Garrett, representing Herdade do Monte Novo e Conqueiro.

To end the first day of the workshop, a challenge was proposed to the participants, asking them to indicate the Motivations and Challenges faced by the two groups: Landowners (private and companies) and Non-Governmental Organizations/Organizations that manage volunteering. The various sharing of ideas was debated and recorded.
The second day of the workshop featured the presentation “Duorum – Promoting Nature conservation while producing Top Quality World Wines” included in Panel 4 “Success cases: What is missing for the Conservation of Private Lands in Portugal?” by Mário Agostinho, representing DUORUM.

Finally, it was still possible to visit MONTIS properties. On the first three stops we showed Penedo, Covões and Barroco Frio, explaining and discussing the options taken and still to be taken, particularly those related to the conversion of the eucalyptus trees areas. In the last one, after a short walk, Penedo Alto was visited and Soalheira was shown, also explaining the work that has been carried out on private land, particularly with the support of volunteers.

We would like to thank everyone who was present and who contributed to the success of this workshop. See you next time!